UDP Send Node

The UDP Send Node allows an Edge Workflow to send a UDP datagram to a given address and port.

UDP Send Node


Configuration of the UDP Send Node is broken up into three sections.


  • Host Template: (Required) Enter a string template for destination address. This can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address, or a hostname that resolves to an address.
  • Allow destination address to be a broadcast address: Starting with Gateway Edge Agent v1.19.2, you may elect to allow a broadcast address in the Host Template field (e.g. if this checkbox is checked. Note: If you wish to use a broadcast address, the Gateway Edge Agent must be started in host network mode.
  • Port Template: (Required) Enter a string template for the destination port. This must resolve to a valid port (between 1 and 65535).


  • Message Encoding: Choose an encoding method for the datagram (defaults to UTF-8).
  • Message: Enter a string template for the contents of the UDP datagram to send.


You can optionally store the result of the UDP send on the payload for later use in the workflow. A successful UDP send will have the result { success: true }. A UDP send that results in an error will have a result of the form { error: <error> }.

UDP Caveats

Due to the nature of UDP, just because a UDP send succeeds does not mean the destination received the message; all it means is the message was successfully sent. UDP has no built in guarantees around message delivery.

In addition, large UDP messages (greater than 1KB) may be dropped or fragmented by intermediate systems or networks, so if you are planning to send large UDP messages, we recommend running some tests first.

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