Notebook Image Versions

The Notebook Execution Environment is contained within a private virtual machine (VM) with specific dependencies. Each Notebook Image version describes the internal that are available to your Notebook at runtime.

Notebook Image Version

WEGnology Notebooks are updated often, so if you require additional dependencies, please let us know through support or the WEGnology Forums.

Below is a list of all available libraries for each image version:

Notebook Base V3

Version 3 Dependencies:

The following libraries are available for use:

Library Version
beautifulsoup4 4.10.*
bokeh 2.3.*
cloudpickle 2.0.*
cython 0.29.*
dask 2021.11.*
dill 0.3.*
glueviz 1.0.*
h5py 3.1.*
hdf5 1.10.*
ipywidgets 7.6.*
jinja2 3.0.*
jupyterhub 1.5.0
jupyterlab 3.2.3
keras 2.6.*
matplotlib 3.4.*
notebook 6.4.5
numba 0.54.*
numexpr 2.7.*
numpy 1.19.*
opencv 4.5.*
openpyxl 3.0.*
pandas 1.3.*
patsy 0.5.*
pendulum 2.1.*
plotly 5.4.*
protobuf 3.16.*
pyarrow 5.0.*
pymcr 0.5.*
pypdf2 1.26.*
scikit-image 0.18.*
scikit-learn 1.0.*
scipy 1.7.*
seaborn 0.11.*
sqlalchemy 1.4.*
statsmodels 0.13.*
sympy 1.9.*
tensorflow 2.6.0
tensorflowjs 3.11.*
vincent 0.4.*
weasyprint 53.4

Notebook Base V2

Version 2 Dependencies:

The following libraries are available for use:

Library Version
beautifulsoup4 4.9.*
bokeh 1.3.*
cloudpickle 1.6.*
cython 0.29.*
dask 2.30.*
dill 0.3.*
hdf5 1.10.*
h5py 2.10.*
glueviz 0.15.*
ipywidgets 7.5.*
jinja2 2.11.*
jupyterhub 1.1.0
jupyterlab 2.2.8
keras 2.4.*
notebook 6.1.4
numba 0.51.*
numexpr 2.7.*
numpy 1.18.*
matplotlib 3.3.*
opencv 4.4.*
openpyxl 3.0.*
pandas 1.1.*
patsy 0.5.*
pendulum 2.1.*
plotly 4.12.*
protobuf 3.13.*
pypdf2 1.26.*
seaborn 0.11.*
scipy 1.5.*
scikit-image 0.17.*
scikit-learn 0.23.*
sqlalchemy 1.3.*
statsmodels 0.12.*
sympy 1.7.*
tensorflow 2.3.1
tensorflowjs 2.7.*
vincent 0.4.*
weasyprint 51

Notebook Base V1

Version 1 Dependencies:

The following libraries are available for use:

Library Version
beautifulsoup4 4.7.*
bokeh 1.3.*
cloudpickle 1.2.*
cython 0.29.*
dask 2.2.*
dill 0.3.*
hdf5 1.10.*
h5py 2.8.*
glueviz 0.14.*
ipywidgets 7.4.*
jupyterhub 0.9.6
jupyterlab 0.35.4
keras 2.2.*
notebook 5.7.8
numba 0.42.*
numexpr 2.6.*
numpy 1.17.*
matplotlib 3.1.*
opencv 4.1.*
openpyxl 2.6.*
pandas 0.25.*
patsy 0.5.*
pendulum 2.0.*
plotly 3.7.*
protobuf 3.7.*
pypdf2 1.26.*
seaborn 0.9.*
scipy 1.3.*
scikit-image 0.15.*
scikit-learn 0.20.*
sqlalchemy 1.3.*
statsmodels 0.9.*
sympy 1.3.*
tensorflow 1.14.*
tensorflowjs 1.2.*
vincent 0.4.*

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