Device: Verify Node

The Device: Verify Node allows a workflow to verify that a Device is associated with an Experience Group or Experience User in the application.

Verify Device Node

Node Properties

The node has two required fields: a Device ID and then either an Experience User’s ID or email or the Experience Group to verify the device association.

Verify Device Node Config

  • Device ID: (Required) A templatable field used to identify which device to verify the association to the group or user.
  • Compare Against.. (Required, Default: Experience User) Choose which type you would like to check the device association. The following are valid types:

    • Experience User
    • Experience Group
  • Experience User ID or Email: A templatable field that can either be an email or a user ID to identify the user to check the device association.
  • Experience Group ID: A templatable field used to identify the group to check the device association.

Node Example

There is no optional payload path to place the result, because this is a conditional node. It will either take the false (or left) or the true (or right) path depending on the result of the association.

Node Errors

Because this is a branching node, this node will never cause an error.

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