GCP Pub/Sub Trigger Node

The GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Pub/Sub Trigger will trigger a workflow whenever a message is sent to one of the topics defined on a given Google Pub/Sub integration.

Google Pub/Sub Trigger

Node Properties

The trigger only takes one parameter:


A Google Pub/Sub integration that you previously created. Then, assuming the integration is connected, your workflow will trigger anytime a message is received on one of the integration’s topics.


  "time": <time of the message>,
  "data": <message properties>,
  "applicationId": <id of the current application>,
  "applicationName": <name of the current application>,
  "triggerId": <id of the integration>,
  "triggerType": "integration",
  "flowId": <id of the current workflow>,
  "flowName": <name of the current workflow>,
  "globals": <object of workflow globals>

In addition to the standard workflow payload information, the payload will include an object in the data field, which will include the following properties:

  • attributes: A key/value map of attributes passed with the message
  • data: The message that was published on the topic
  • id: The Google Cloud Pub/Sub message ID
  • timestamp: Google Cloud Pub/Sub message timestamp
  • topic: The topic on which the message was received

For the example workflow above, a specific payload for a triggered workflow might look like this:

  "time": Fri Feb 19 2016 17:26:00 GMT-0500 (EST),
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "myAttribute": "myValue"
    "data": "Hello world!",
    "id": "19916711285",
    "timestamp": 1492710130123,
    "topic": "myGoogleTopic"
  "applicationId": "568beedeb436ab01007be53d",
  "applicationName": "Embree",
  "triggerId": "56c74add0d3d350100043380",
  "triggerType": "integration",
  "flowId": "56c74add04d0b50100043381",
  "flowName": "Power Usage Alert",
  "globals": {}

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