WEGnology CLI - Data Tables

Manages your WEGnology Application’s Data Tables from the command line. Upon export, the directory configured for the WEGnology CLI will contain your application’s Data Tables as CSV files.


You have one command available for Data Tables: export. If you ever need help just run wegnology datatables --help, and all of your options will print out.


Usage: wegnology datatables export [options] [pattern]

The export command is used to export you application’s Data Tables. To start an export run wegnology datatables export.

Exported Data Tables will have their ID appended to their name to ensure all data table files have unique names, and any Data Tables named with characters that are invalid for a file name will have those characters omitted.

For example: A data table named My/Data will be saved to a file named MyData-5d54770b5497ab000638v768.csv.

Export has the following options:

  • -f, --force force all changes by ignoring file status
  • --dry-run display actions but do not perform them

Export Data Tables

If you’re exporting a file that currently exists locally, you will be prompted to confirm overwriting the local files with the remote data.

If a data table is removed from your application and then you export all Data Tables, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the local file.

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