SMS Node

The SMS Node allows a workflow to send SMS messages using WEGnology provided SMS delivery.


We intend for WEGnology Developers to use this node for testing and/or proof of concept applications. For production applications, we recommend the Twilio Node. Using the Twilio Node allows for:

  • A unique number for your application
  • No rate limiting
  • History of messages sent
  • No limit on message segments (this node will not send any message that takes more than 4 segments)
  • No limit on geographic regions (this node will only send messages to North America)
  • And more benefits that Twilio provides

SMS Node

Node Properties

The SMS Node has two main configuration sections:


SMS Node Input

  • Phone Number (Required): The phone number of the recipient.
  • Message Contents (Required): The contents of the message.

Both fields support string templates, and so can be dynamically determined from the payload of the currently executing workflow.

Result Path

SMS Node Result

You may optionally store an indication of success or failure of the SMS operation at a path on the payload.

Node Example

In the example above, the phone number being sent to is (212) 867-5309 and the contents of the message to being sent to that phone number will be Power level exceeded error threshold at {{data.power}}!.

If the result path has been configured, the success or failure of the operation will be placed at that path like so:

  "working": {
    "smsResult": {
      "success": true

Node Errors

The following is an example of a failed operation:

  "working": {
    "smsResult": {
      "error": {
        "type": "WEGNOLOGY_SMS_ERROR",
        "message": "WEGnology SMS send throttled.",

Node Throttling and Limits

For Sandbox accounts, this node is rate limited to 1 SMS message every 20 minutes, with a burst of up to 5. For Organizations, the limit is 1 SMS message every 10 minutes, with a burst of up to 10.

If more frequent or complex SMS messages are required, please use the Twilio Node.

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