
The Gauge Block displays a single attribute value, either as a number or as a visual representation in a dial.



Block Type

Gauge blocks currently support five types. Additional types may be added in future releases.

Gauge Type

  • Number displays a value as a single number.
  • Dial displays the value along with a filled semicircular dial.
  • Battery displays the value along with a filled horizontal battery.
  • Thermometer displays the value along with a filled vertical thermometer.
  • Tank displays the value along with a filled vertical tank.

When any type other than “Number Gauge” is selected, additional configuration options become available:

  • Min and Max values are required. Each must be a number, and Min must be less than Max. These numbers determine the upper and lower bounds of your gauge.
  • Optionally, the gauge value and minimum and maximum bounds can be displayed as a percentage instead of raw numbers.

Values that go above or below the set Min or Max will continue to display in the gauge, but the gauge itself will either be empty or full, depending on if the value falls below the Min or exceeds the Max, respectively.

Number Display Rules

The value displayed in the gauge block can be rounded or represented a few different ways, and depending on the value being returned by your devices, these rules can greatly enhance the usability of the gauge block (especially for very large or very small numbers).

  • For the Precision Type, choose Significant Digits (default) to round the value based on the number of digits selected. To always display a certain number of decimal points, choose Floating Point.
  • For the Digits, enter any integer greater than 0. This number will be applied to the Precision Type previously selected. Default is 4.

For example, say you have a gauge displaying the current outside temperate. The actual number reported by the device is 64.67. Here is how different number display rules would represent that number:

1 2 3 4
Significant Digits 6e+1 65 64.7 64.67
Floating Point 64.7 64.67 64.670 64.6700

Data Type

Gauge Data Type

The gauge block can display points as a live stream (rendering a new value every time a data point hits the platform) or as a historical gauge. Each style has its own advantages:

  • Live Stream Gauges: Provides feedback with more immediacy than historical gauges, as they do not require a dashboard data refresh to populate with new data. If the gauge’s data query references multiple devices by ID or tag, the gauge updates any time any of the devices reports state for the chosen attribute.
  • Historical Gauges: Aggregates data according to a number of rules (based on time durations, mathematical functions, and the combination of data from multiple sources), and allows for viewing past dashboard states.


To view current state of your device(s), select “Last received data point”. To view an aggregation of your data over a given time period, choose any other value.

Gauge Duration

Block Data

The block data takes five parameters, three of which are required:

Gauge Block Data

  • Label is the text displayed beneath number / dial representation of your device(s) state. This can be any value, but you will want it to properly represent the data displayed along with it. HTML entities and Markdown are allowed here.
  • Device IDS / Tags is a device query for choosing which devices are displayed within the gauge.
  • Attribute is the device attribute whose value will be displayed in the gauge. This attribute must be of the type Number. Note that if data from more than one device is being displayed, each of those devices must supply the same attribute name.
  • Color can only be set when the gauge type is set to “Dial”. The color picker defaults to green, but any color may be selected as the default gauge color.
  • Aggregation Type determines how all of the available data returned should be aggregated before displaying the value. For example, “Mean” averages all data points together before displaying within the gauge. This field is only available if “Data Type” is set to “Historical”, and any of the following conditions applies:

    • Duration is set to anything other than “Last received data point”
    • A device tag is supplied in the device query
    • More than one device ID is supplied within the device query

Data Transformation

You may apply an expression the block’s data point. You have access to the following variables when evaluating the expression:

  • {{value}}: The raw value of the data point.
  • {{time}}: The time of the corresponding data point in milliseconds since Epoch.
  • {{ctx.VARIABLE_NAME}}: The value of a given context variable.

The performed transformation will not affect the raw data returned by your query, but will adjust the data before it is applied to the chart. If an invalid expression is provided, the data point reverts to its raw value.

Conditional Gauge Colors

If the gauge type is set to “Dial”, you may optionally create a list of conditions that change the color of the gauge depending on the query’s returned value. This works similarly to the indicator block, in that the first expression that returns true determines the gauge’s color. If none of them returns true, the default color set in the “Block Data” section will be the gauge’s color.

Gauge Block Conditions

The conditions can be arranged via drag-and-drop to set their priority relative to one another. The following variables are available when writing the expressions:

  • {{value}}: The result of the query’s data transformation expression if one is applied; if not, the raw numeric value returned from the query.
  • {{percent}}: The percentage that {{value}} represents when compared against the minimum and maximum values set in the dial gauge configuration. For example, given a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 50, when {{value}} is equal to 40, the corresponding {{percent}} is 75.
  • {{ctx.VARIABLE_NAME}}: The value of a given context variable.

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