String Node

The String Node allows for manipulating string values on your workflow payloads.

String Node

Node Properties

The String Node takes three required values…

Source Template

String Node Source

A string template resolving to a string value on your payload.

Operation Configuration

String Node Config

The operation to perform on the string. Depending on the value selected here, additional configuration may be required. (See below.)


The String Node supports the following operations, with additional configuration required if noted (in all cases, extra configuration options take string templates):


Add a new value onto the end of the source string. Extra configuration:

  • Additional String - The value to concatenate onto the source string.

Index Of

Find the the first occurrence of a substring within the source string, and return its index.

  • Match String - The string to search for.
  • Starting Index - The index from which to start the search.

Replace All Occurrences

Find all occurrences of a substring within the source string and replace them with a string of your choosing. Extra configuration:

  • Match String - The value to find and to ultimately replace.
  • Replacement String - The value to insert in place of the matched substring. Leave the value blank to replace with nothing.

Replace First Occurrence

Find just the first occurrence of a substring within the source string and replace it with a string of your choosing. Extra configuration:

  • Match String - The value to find and to ultimately replace.
  • Replacement String - The value to insert in place of the matched substring. Leave the value blank to replace with nothing.


Split the source string into an array of strings, breaking on a character(s) of your choosing. The value placed at the Result Path will be an array when using this operation. Extra configuration:

  • Separator Character(s) - The delimiter on which the string should be split. This is commonly a pipe |, comma , or semicolon ; but it can be anything you choose.

To Lowercase

Convert all uppercase characters in the source string into lowercase characters.

To Number

Cast the source string to a number. If the string cannot be converted to a number, the value placed at the Result Path will be null; otherwise it will be a number.

To Uppercase

Convert all lowercase characters in the source string into uppercase characters.


Remove all whitespace at the front and back ends of the source string.

Trim End

Remove all whitespace at the back end of the source string.

Trim Start

Remove all whitespace at the front end of the string.


Pad the string to the specified length using the specified character(s). Extra configuration:

  • Padded Length - The desired length of the output string.
  • Padding Character(s) - The character(s) that will be added to the string.

Pad End

Pad the string to the specified length by appended the specified character(s) to the end of the string. Extra configuration:

  • Padded Length - The desired length of the output string.
  • Padding Character(s) - The character(s) that will be added to the string.

Pad Start

Pad the string to the specified length by prepending the specified character(s) to the start of the string. Extra configuration:

  • Padded Length - The desired length of the output string.
  • Padding Character(s) - The character(s) that will be added to the string.


Shorten a string to a character length of your choosing. Extra configuration:

  • Max String Length - The maximum number of characters before the source string is truncated, including the length of the Ellipsis Character(s). If the source string length is less than or equal to this value, or if the string template provided here fails to cast to a number, the source string will not be changed.
  • Ellipsis Character(s) - If and only if the string is truncated, characters entered here will be appended to the end of the string.

Result Path

String Node Result

A payload path for where the result of the string operation should be stored on your payload. This value will also be a string unless noted per operation.

Node Example

Here’s an example of the String Node’s output using the above configuration:

  "data": {
    "outString": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]

Node Errors

This node will never return an error on the payload path. However, it can halt the workflow if the method is not valid or if the number of arguments passed does not match the number of arguments required for the method.

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