Agent Config: Get Node

The Agent Config: Get Node allows you to retrieve the values of one or all of the configuration settings for the instance of the Gateway Edge Agent. This node is only available in edge workflows.

Agent Config: Get Node


There is one main configuration section for this node:

Agent Config: Get Node Configuration

  • Fetch the entire configuration object: This options returns every configuration option that has a value defined, either explicitly or by the property’s default.
  • Fetch a single configuration field: This option returns a specific edge configuration option, even if it has no value defined.


Specify a payload path for where the requested agent configuration value(s) should be stored on you payload.

Agent Config: Get Node Result

Depending on the provided configuration, the object placed at this path will take many different shapes …

Entire Configuration Object

When requesting the entire configuration object, the value at your payload path is an object with a key of . and a value of a deeply nested object; for example …

  "key": ".",
  "value": {
    "gateway": {
      "host": "",

Specific Configuration (Object)

Similar to requesting the entire configuration object, when requesting the value of a property that contains sub-properties (i.e. gateway), the response takes the following shape:

  "key": "gateway",
  "value": {
    "host": "",

Specific Configuration (Single Value)

When requesting a single configuration value that contains no sub-properties (i.e., the response takes the following shape:

  "key": "",
  "value": ""

Undefined Configuration Field

If you enter a configuration property that does not exist, the result takes the following shape:

  "key": "nonexistentkey",
  "value": undefined

Node Example

In the example above, the workflow will retrieve the value of the config option. If the result path is set to working.edgeConfig, and the read operation was successful, your output would look like the following:

  "working": {
    "edgeConfig": {
      "key": "",
      "value": "/data/flows"

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