Group: Summary Node

Group Summary Node

The Group: Summary Node is a node to get the Experience Group tree format. This can start from a given Experience Group ID or it can give you all of your groups. This is useful to display Experience Groups within an Experience Page.

Node Properties

Get Experience Group Node Configuration

  • Starting Group ID: (Optional) You may input a starting node, to begin the tree. This name and id will be the first on the tree, and it’s children, if any, will be in it’s children list.

Result Path

Get Experience Group Node Result

Result path is required, and it is the location on your payload where the results of the tree will be placed.

Node Example

This example would be of an entire tree being returned.

  "data": {
    "query": {
      "name": "myGroup"
    "groupTreeResult": {
      "name": "(root)",
      "id": "(root)",
      "children": [
          "name": "Top Parent",
          "id": "58dc4ec29e8df60001fbea01",
          "children": [ ... ]
          "name": "Top Parent 2",
          "id": "58dc4ec29e8df60001fbea02"

Node Errors

This node will never make your workflow halt or return an error.

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