Module (Users and Groups)

This Application Template is a complete user control application. The components page, component, layout, endpoint, and experience workflows were used to control user actions in the application, restricting access for common users to the home page and allowing actions such as user registration and deletion only for users with administrator permissions, i.e., those belonging to the “adm” group.

Key Components

This template provides an example of the following:

  • LAYOUT layout-base: A layout provides components that need to be present on different pages, saving the effort of rewriting code;
  • PAGE Login: This is the initial page of the application, where the user enters their credentials to be authenticated by the WORKFLOW Endpoint/login;
  • PAGE Home: This page only contains the DASHBOARD Dashboard and can be accessed by any authenticated user;
  • PAGE Create Account: This page contains a user registration form. When the “confirm registration” button is clicked, the WORKFLOW POST api/v2/user validates the entered data before sending a configuration email. Only users in the “adm” group can access this page;
  • PAGE Delete Account: This page displays a list of all application users. You can delete any user who is not in the “adm” group by clicking the “trash can.” Once this action is performed, the user’s information in the selected row is sent to the WORKFLOW DELETE api/v1/user to be removed from the application. Only users in the “adm” group can access this page;
  • COMPONENT js-imports: A component that imports JS files necessary for some functionalities. It is important that all imports are saved in the application (in Files) and that this component is imported on all pages before the “script” tag;
  • COMPONENT js-notify: A component that displays a custom notification with parameters defined by the user. It should be instantiated after the “js-import” component and only on pages where it is necessary to show a notification;
  • ENDPOINT GET/: This address redirects the user to the login page when not authenticated. Otherwise, it redirects them to the home page;
  • ENDPOINT POST/login: The path for sending credentials for authentication. This endpoint is invoked by the login screen to send the entered credentials to the WORKFLOW Endpoint/login for authentication;
  • ENDPOINT DELETE/delete-account: This address sends the data of the user from the selected row on the Delete Account PAGE to the WORKFLOW DELETE/api/v1/user, which then removes the user from the application;
  • WORKFLOW Endpoint/login: Triggered when the user accesses the ”/” endpoint and when credentials are sent from the login screen. It evaluates the access mode, checks if the provided credentials are valid, and redirects the user to the home screen if authenticated;
  • WORKFLOW POST/api/v2/user: The first step in user registration. Triggered when sending registration data from the Create Account page, it validates if the user does not already exist and sends a confirmation email;
  • WORKFLOW GET/validate-email: The second step in user registration. Triggered from the confirmation email, if the token is not expired, a new user is registered and can log in to the application;
  • WORKFLOW DELETE/api/v1/user: Triggered when the user clicks the trash can. It evaluates the data of the user in the selected row and removes them from the application;
  • GROUP normal: Users belonging to this group can only access the application’s home page;
  • GROUP adm: Users belonging to this group have access to all pages and can register and delete other users in the application;
  • DASHBOARD Dashboard: Displayed on the Home PAGE, it contains charts with data from the random-device DEVICE that provides simulated values only to populate this dashboard;


This template contains a README that provides instructions and guidance on the template implementation.

To create an application from this template:

  1. Navigate to the New Application page.
  2. Select the Module (Users and Groups) Template.

You can also import this template from the GitHub repository.


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