JWT: Decode Node

The JWT: Decode Node allows a workflow to decode a JSON Web Token on the payload.

JWT Decode Node


The JWT: Decode Node requires a token template and a result path. There is one optional configuration which is a checkbox called Complete Payload, Headers and Signature. If this is checked and the JWT successfully decoded, the result will include the JWT’s signature, decoded payload and headers.

JWT Decode Configuration

Example Result Complete Payload, Headers and Signature turned off:

"jwtPayload": {

Example Result Complete Payload, Headers and Signature turned on:

"jwtPayload": {
  "header": {
    "alg": "RS256",
    "typ": "JWT"
  "payload": {
  "signature": "aSinGatuR_e"


The JWT: Decode Node has one output field. The Destination Path field takes a payload path. If successfully decoded, the JWT decode result will be placed on the payload at this path, otherwise it will be an error object.

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