AWS S3: Get Node

The AWS S3: Get Node allows a workflow to retrieve a file and its metadata from an S3 bucket.

Node Properties

There are three main configuration sections for the AWS S3: Get Node …

Credential Configuration

There are two options for configuring credentials:

  • Choose a Service Credential: Retrieves your AWS credentials from the selected service credential.

    • Credential Name Template: Choose which of your application’s AWS service credentials you would like to use. Note: Service credentials are not accessible from Edge Workflows, so only direct configuration is available for them. This field is templatable.
  • Enter Connection Info: Configure the AWS credentials directly within the node. All fields are required.

    • AWS Region Template: The AWS region to connect to. This field is templatable.
    • AWS Access Key ID Template: The AWS access key ID associated with the AWS account you wish to use. This field is templatable.
    • AWS Secret Access Key Template: The AWS secret access key associated with the AWS account you wish to use. This field is templatable.

We recommend that you create an AWS Key/Secret pair specifically for use in the Workflow Engine - a key that has access to the proper AWS S3 buckets. We also recommend that you store these values as service credentials.

AWS Permissions

In order to perform a get operation, the AWS user must have, at minimum, the following IAM Policy:

  "Version": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": ["s3:GetObject"],
      "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::<bucket-name>/*"]

File Configuration

Next is to configure the fields required by S3. All applicable fields are templatable:

  • Bucket Name: (Required) The S3 bucket where your file is located.
  • File Name: (Required) The name of the file to retrieve, including the extension. If the file is in a subdirectory within the bucket, the path to the file should be included in this field. (e.g. “path/to/my/file.ext”)


  • Result Type: Specifies how the file should be returned:

    • Get File Contents: Place the file’s data on the payload. Files retrieved by this method have a maximum size of five megabytes.
    • Get Download Link: Place a link to the file on the payload
    • File Encoding: (Required) The encoding of the file that you’re retrieving. Defaults to UTF-8.
  • Result Path: (Required) The result of the operation will be placed in an object at the specified payload path.

When the operation successfully executes, the result will contain two keys: the value retrieved from AWS S3, and some metadata about the file. When the the operation encounters an error, the result will contain a single error key.

Node Example

The AWS S3: Get Node’s output varies with the selected result type:

  • When Get File Contents is selected, the result will look like the following:

          "1, 2, 3, 4
          12,  340,  360,  417
          45,  318,  342,  391
          56,  362,  406,  419",
        "metadata": { ... }
  • When Get Download Link is selected, the result will look like the following:

          "value": "https://<region><bucket-name>/<key>",
          "metadata": { ... }

    Note: Download links retrieved this way will expire after 7 days.

Node Errors

In the case of an error, the resulting object will contain an error key instead of the normal value and metadata keys.

  "error": "Access Denied"

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