Viewing Device Data

In Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this walkthrough you created an API for our lōm smart plant mobile app that allows users to sign up, log in, and register devices. In this part, you will add the ability to view a list of devices owned by the current user and cover how to request historical device data.

Device Data

Step One: Create First Endpoint

The first endpoint you’ll create is GET /devices, which returns a list of all devices owned by the currently authenticated user:

Devices Endpoint

  1. Set the Method to GET.
  2. Set the Route to /devices.
  3. Add a Description.
  4. Set the Access Control to Any authenticated user.

Like all endpoints you’ve created, this one also needs a workflow with a matching endpoint trigger. Next, add a Get Device node that you’ll use to look up the user’s devices:

Get Devices

  1. Set Find by... to Tag Query. This allows you to query devices by their tags.
  2. Check the Return multiple devices? checkbox.
  3. Add a tag query and set the Key Template to “owner” and set the value template to {{ }}.
  4. Check the Return tags as an object map instead of an array checkbox. This changes how tags to an object map.
  5. Set the Result Path to data.devices.

In Part 3 of this walkthrough, you learned how devices were tagged with the owner when they were created. You can now use this tag to find all devices owned by the user that requested this endpoint. WEGnology automatically adds the Experience User to the payload whenever an authenticated route is requested, so you can get the user ID at

Experience User

All that’s left to do for this endpoint is to reply with the devices you just looked up.

Devices Reply

  1. Set the Response Code Template to 200, which is the HTTP status code for OK.
  2. Change the Response Body Source radio to Payload Path.
  3. Change the Response Body Payload Path to data.devices. This is the location on the payload where the Get Device node put its result. You’re going to reply with the same value.
  4. Add a Content-Type header with the value application/json.

At this point, the lōm mobile app can now request all of the devices owned by the currently logged-in user. You can test this route by requesting the devices created in Part 3 of this walkthrough.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer USER_TOKEN" \
    "name": "My Awesome Plant",
    "tags": {
      "owner": [
      "manufacturerId": [
    "attributes": [
        "name": "moisture",
        "dataType": "number"
    "id": "58e4605f29eeec0001d383df"

Step Two: Create Second Endpoint

The lōm mobile app now allows the user to select a device from the list to show historical moisture data collected by that device. To support this, you need to create a new endpoint to get this data. You can call it GET /devices/{id}/data. To create the endpoint:

Device Data Endpoint

  1. Set the Method to GET.
  2. Set the Route to /devices/{id}/data. This route makes use of route parameters, which provide a way to pass variables to the endpoint. In this case, you’ll be passing the WEGnology device ID.
  3. Set the Access Control to Any authenticated user.

The device ID for each device is available on the result of the GET /devices endpoint above.

Next, create a workflow for this endpoint with a matching endpoint trigger. The workflow needs to determine whether the current user has access to the device ID that was passed in. You can do this by getting the device that matches the route parameter and then checking that its owner tag matches the ID of the current user.

First, add a “get device” node to the canvas:

Get Device

  1. Set the ID Template to {{ }}.
  2. Check the Return tags as an object map instead of an array checkbox.
  3. Set the Result Path to data.device.

WEGnology automatically parses the route parameters and puts them on the payload. In this case, our device ID parameter id can be found at

Params Payload

The next step is to add a Conditional node to check that this device has an owner tag that matches the current user.

Conditional Node

Set the Expression to the following:

{{ data.device }} && {{ data.device.tags.owner.[0] }} === {{ }}

This expression first checks if any device was returned at all. Since this route could be requested with any value as the ID, for example /devices/not-a-real-value/data, the result of the Get Device node could be null. It then checks that the value of the owner tag matches the current Experience User. Since WEGnology devices can have duplicate values for the same tag, the values are always returned as an array, which is why the syntax is data.device.tags.owner.[0].

If the device can’t be found, or the owner tag doesn’t match, use an Endpoint Reply node to respond with a 403 (Forbidden).

If you did get a valid device ID, you can now use the Time Series node to request historical data for the device:

Time Series

  1. Select the Use Device ID(s) specified on the current payload radio.
  2. Set the Device ID(s) JSON Path to This performs a time series query against the device that was passed in through the route parameters.
  3. Set the Time Range to a range that makes sense for the application. In this example, it is showing the last 24 hours of data.
  4. Set the Resolution to a value that makes sense for the application. In this example, it returns 24 hours of data with a data point for each 5 minute interval.
  5. Set the Payload Path for Value to data.resultData.

The Time Series node provides powerful aggregation support for data that has been reported by your devices. The duration, resolution, and aggregation can all be changed to match your desired result. The last step is to reply with this data using an Endpoint Reply node:

Data Reply

  1. Set the Response Code Template to 200, which is the HTTP status code for OK.
  2. Change the Response Body Source radio to Payload Path.
  3. Set the Response Body Payload Path to data.resultData. This where the Time Series node put its result, so this reply sends the result back to the client.
  4. Add a Content-Type header with the value application/json.

You can now test this endpoint to see data that has been reported by your application’s devices.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer USER_TOKEN" \
    "time": "2017-04-05T05:05:00.000Z",
    "sum": 235,
    "count": 5,
    "value": 47
    "time": "2017-04-05T05:00:00.000Z",
    "sum": 235,
    "count": 5,
    "value": 47

The result of this API request is a data point for each five-minute interval over the last 24 hours. Since the aggregation in the Time Series node was set to Mean, the value above will be the average. The count is the number of data points collected in that five-minute interval. The sum is the value of every point collected in the five-minute interval added together.

The lōm mobile app now has an API that supports all required features. Users can sign up, they can log in, they can register devices, they can see a list of their devices, and they can view historical data for each device. This concludes the WEGnology Application Experience walkthrough. If you have additional questions about experiences, please visit our forums.

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