How To Build an Experience API

This guide provides a complete walkthrough for building an end-to-end mobile experience for an sample connected product. A WEGnology application experience provides everything required to build a product on top of our platform, including user management and custom API endpoints.

The example product in this guide is a hypothetical consumer product called lōm (pronounced like “lome”). A smart pot for house plants, lōm automatically notifies users if the plant requires water.

lom banner

This guide is split into four main sections:

User Registration

The User Registration covers how new users sign up for lōm once they’ve got the product. A WEGnology Application Experience includes user management, so all user information is stored in WEGnology without the need for an external service.

User Authentication

Once users are registered, we need to have User Authentication to enable users to log in and perform authenticated requests against the lōm API. This section demonstrates how to perform user authentication against your application experience API.

Device Registration

After a user is registered and logged in, they need to register the lōm smart pot device they’ve received. This section shows an example of how to do on-demand device registration and how to associate the device with the lōm user.

Viewing Device Data

Finally, we can View the Device Data. Inside the lōm app, the user can see real-time and historical moisture data about their smart pot. This section covers how to securely get data for a lōm user’s devices.

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